Traditional Corporate Advice Doesn’t Always Apply

While nonprofits have plenty to learn from the for-profit sector, there are unique challenges that you face. HR, etc. can help by offering fractional HR services specific to nonprofit organizations.

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Your Challenges are Unique

Resources May be Limited

Chances are that you’re routinely making tough financial decisions. You likely don’t have the operating budget you want, and you can’t afford to spend wastefully.

Your Funding is More Scrutinized

While for-profit businesses enjoy a bit more financial anonymity, nonprofits are routinely scrutinized by donors and the IRS. You need to be incredibly careful, so you have to be sure your whole team knows your office rules and norms.

You’re Mission-Driven

You can’t employ just anyone. You want leaders and team members who are on board with your cause and fit your organization’s culture well. Those types of hires don’t just show up. You need to go find them.

And That’s Just the Beginning

We don’t have to tell you how tough it is to staff and run a nonprofit organization. You’re probably wearing several hats already, so let HR, etc. take something off your plate.

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Why Nonprofits Need Fractional HR

There’s a good chance you don’t have the budget for a full-time HR representative, much less an HR team. You may have an employee doing HR, but how experienced are they? Do you know what liabilities you’re open to? Let HR, etc. analyze your business and offer you a plan of action.

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Let HR, etc. Help Your Nonprofit

HR, etc. offers over a decade of experience in the nonprofit sector. We know just how challenging it is to run a nonprofit HR department. We also know the potential pitfalls that mission-driven organizations can fall into.

HR, etc. can:

  • Analyze your nonprofit
  • Train your current HR team
  • Help you hire mission fits
  • Run risk analyses on your business
  • And more

Let HR, etc, help make your nonprofit run more smoothly. Let’s continue your mission.

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